CMD 017: How To Connect, Mobilize, And Deliver With Your Team – Part 2

CMD 017: How To Connect, Mobilize, And Deliver With Your Team – Part 2

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Hosted by: Greg Harrod

In This Episode

Delivering results is an absolute requirement to be a successful leader of a successful team. Even if your team members love you and everyone wants to be on the teams you lead, you still have to get things done.

So, how does that fit in with being a kind leader?

That’s what we talk about in this episode of Connect Mobilize Deliver.

In part one of this two-part series (click here to listen), I explained why I use a framework of Connect Mobilize Deliver when leading teams.

I also talked about connecting your team and gave some super simple techniques you can use to connect your teammates and help them fight the loneliness we all face at times.

In part two I focus on mobilizing teams for action and leading them to deliver the results your organization needs.

And, I explain how you can be both kind and respected as a leader of teams who get things done.

We’ll also cover the mindset you need to mobilize your teams to deliver results even when they encounter difficult challenges.

Check out the links below for more of my posts with related content and valuable insight from other experts like Shane Parrish and Patrick Lencioni.

You’ll Learn

What is often overlooked by leaders in preparing to lead teams
How to be an exceptional leader by preparing for adversity and difficulty
The proper mindset you need to be a successful leader
Why acknowledging and communicating hard truths to your team early is so important
How to deal with and overcome insecurity as a leader
How to give your team an advantage over the competition in any situation
How to be kind even when you’re facing adversity and still deliver results
Why leaders must deliver results to keep the position they have to positively influence others
How to avoid being a mediocre leader of a mediocre team

3 Fundamental Career Skills Related to Today’s Episode

1. Expecting resistance

When our minds expect resistance, we are less likely to be surprised when we and our teams encounter inevitable barriers. Preparing for resistance protects us against our own insecurities which can attack when things get difficult.

2. Communicating hard truths early

Helping your team be aware of and prepare for the reality of the challenges they are facing is critical. Sharing hard truths early will give you and your team an advantage over your competition and bring success.

3. Preparing for action

Leaders and teams must be ready to act. Our minds must be prepared for action. We need to continually fight against our tendency to succumb to the inertia of doing nothing or continuing to do what we’ve always done.

Links and Resources from this Episode

Previous blog posts with similar content:

Tweet from Shane Parrish, former Canadian spy and business expert.

How to Gird Up Your Loins: An Illustrated Guide, from the podcast, The Art of Manliness.

The WikiHow article How to Be Confident.

 The book Teaching Leadership from The Kansas Leadership Center

Patrick Lencioni’s best-selling book, The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else In Business

My free guide, 5 Simple Ways to Lead when You’re Not the “Leader”

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Let’s lead with kindness and confidence.


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