CMD 033: How To Create An Exceptional Meeting With 7 Steps

CMD 033: How To Create An Exceptional Meeting With 7 Steps

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Hosted by: Greg Harrod

In This Episode

No one wants another boring meeting that wastes their time.

And, you certainly don’t want to lead a meeting like that.

You want to plan and run meetings that aren’t like all the other meetings you and your coworkers can’t stand to attend.

You want to create exceptional meetings.

And, you can!

By following these 7 steps, your meetings will stand out.

They will be different.


In a good way.

And, you’ll stand out as a leader too. One who shows respect for every person you invite to your meeting.

Because you honor their time.

All it takes is a bit of preparation and a proven process to follow.

That’s what you’ll learn in today’s episode.

You’ll Learn

7 steps to use structure create an exceptional meeting

Plan ahead
Create a document to guide the meeting
Identify the topics
Budget the time
Select the participants
Optimize the meeting structure
Share the meeting document

Supporting information in the post, How To Use Structure To Effectively Lead Meetings

Michael Bungay Stanier’s books, The Advice Trap

Tom Henschel on The Way to Make Sense to Others on the Coaching for Leaders podcast with Dave Stachowiak

Connect or follow me on LinkedIn where I post daily on how to create exceptional meetings

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