CMD 031: How To Connect Mobilize and Deliver When You Love Schools – Brandt Wilson

CMD 031: How To Connect Mobilize and Deliver When You Love Schools – Brandt Wilson

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Hosted by: Greg Harrod

In This Episode

You may love your career.

But, do you want to have an even bigger impact on people’s lives, but you’re not sure where to start?

Here’s the good news.

You can help even more people and getting started isn’t as hard as you think.

And, you can do it by connecting with your community. Your local schools to be specific.

Today’s guest, Brandt Wilson, of Love Schools in Wichita, Kansas shares how he is using the skills he learned in his career to connect people, mobilize them for action, and deliver results.

He shares how you can do the same thing by joining with him or learning from his example.

So, if you’re feeling a stirring within you to have an even bigger impact in the lives of others, listen to what Brandt has to say in this week’s episode.

He’s helping community business leaders change the lives of school kids and have their own lives transformed for good as they serve.

Brandt’s love for schools and his passion to make a difference will inspire and motivate you.

Today’s Guest

Brandt Wilson

Brandt Wilson is the founder of Love Schools, a non-profit organization with a worthy and compelling mission.

Love School’s goal is to connect the community to the classroom by facilitating partnerships between local organizations and local schools.

Brandt’s career has prepared him well for this role of service.

As a pastor and a community volunteer for 15 years Brandt has lived out his passion to make a positive impact on people with every opportunity he is given.

Now, Brandt continues to change lives while also serving in a full-time job with a locally owned small business.

This experience equips Brandt to connect people in various roles in the local community and help them get started helping their local schools.

You’ll Learn

The power to change employee’s lives by connecting them with their local community
Who really benefits the most when business executives join reading programs in their local schools.
(Spoiler alert: It’s not the kids!)
How to begin when you want to make a difference in local schools but don’t know where to start
The importance of persistence when mobilizing teams for action
The importance of listening well to connect with people and help meet their needs
Why experimentation is critical to finding solutions that work

3 Fundamental Career Skills from Today’s Guest

1. Be willing to make an impact

When someone gives us an opportunity to join them in service our community, how should we respond?

If we want to use our gifts to make an impact on people’s lives, a good first step is to say yes to learning more and staying curious about how we might be able to serve.

2. Be willing to ask for help in the right way

Asking for help isn’t easy. We don’t want to be told no.

But, people often say yes when they’re asked in the right way.

Helping specific people understand they are uniquely equipped to meet a specific need causes them to recognize their importance.

They’re then motivated to join you on your mission.

3. Be willing to give strategically and intentionally

Giving often means giving up something good to do something great.

We can have a much bigger impact and be more fulfilled when we are purposeful and thoughtful in giving our time, our attention, and our money.

Learn more about Love Schools on Instagram (@love_schools_wichita)

Follow Love Schools on Facebook (@Loveschoolswichita)

Connect with Brandt Wilson on LinkedIn

Email Love Schools at loveschoolswichita at

Support the local Wichita businesses and organization that support Love Schools

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