CMD 011: How To Build Your Career By Connecting With Customers, with Chet Sears

CMD 011: How To Build Your Career By Connecting With Customers, with Chet Sears

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Hosted by: Greg Harrod

In This Episode

I have the privilege of having another conversation with my good friend, Chet Sears. You will remember Chet from Episode 2, where he taught us How to Lead Boldly.

In this episode, Chet shares his wisdom on building a career by connecting with customers. He’s done that successfully for over two decades and is an expert in this area.

Today’s Guest

Chet Sears

Chet Sears is my long time friend and former coworker. He has successfully led Quality and Customer Experience organizations for major corporations in high profile, high pressure positions. His approach of seeking to understand the customer and starting where they are has set him apart as a leader.

Chet has developed the skill of being transparent and acknowledging the truth when others might not have the courage to admit shortcomings. This honesty and humility has earned him and the organizations he represents the respect of some of the most demanding customers.

He currently serves on the board of the Wichita, Kansas chapter of Habitat for Humanity and is the co-host of the Hardheaded podcast.

You’ll Learn

The story of how Chet started a new role by becoming an instant target for criticism in front of a hotel ballroom full of upset customers. And how he earned their respect.
The power of listening to customers and seeking to understand their position
How “starting where they are” can transform your career and your empathy with customers
Why truth is the greatest currency we have
The benefit of transparency in building trust with your customers by being vulnerable and transparent
How what you do as a leader can transform the reputation of your company

3 Fundamental Career Skills from Today’s Guest

1. Be energetic

Bring energy and enthusiasm to the conversations you have with customers and with coworkers.

2. Be a peacemaker

Don’t gossip. Don’t talk bad about your teammates behind their backs. Deal with issues directly and support the people on your team even when they’re not around.

3. Be a visionary

Provide a reason for your team to be excited and energetic. Communicate your vision in multiple ways and live it out. People will get behind you as a leader and follow with enthusiasm.

Links and Resources from this Episode

The Kansas Leadership Center website.

The book, Your Leadership Edge: Lead Anytime, Anywhere.

Chet Sears on LinkedIn.

Hardheaded podcast website.

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