CMD 012: How To Build A Successful Career By Creating Community, with Arielle Nissenblatt

CMD 012: How To Build A Successful Career By Creating Community, with Arielle Nissenblatt

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Hosted by: Greg Harrod

In This Episode

Is community important to you? Do you value being connected with people who are committed to a common purpose?

If like me, your answer to both of these questions is “yes”, you’ll want to listen to this episode.

Arielle Nissenblatt joins me to share her advice on how to build a successful career by building community. She knows what she’s talking about because she’s done exactly that throughout her personal and professional life.

In fact, that’s how Arielle and I met. She personally contacted me to see if I would be interested in joining the customer community groups for SquadCast, the remote recording studio software I use to create the Connect Mobilize Deliver podcast.

Arielle is the Community Manager for SquadCast and is an expert at connecting people and helping them feel welcome and important.

That has been my experience with every interaction I’ve had with Arielle. She’s made me feel valued and like I belong.

And, I think you may just feel the same way as you listen along with our conversation.

Today’s Guest

Arielle Nissenblatt

Arielle Nissenblatt is Community Manager at SquadCast. She is also the founder and head curator of Earbuds Podcast Collective, co-creator of Outlier PodFest, and a member of Podcast Taxonomy.

In other words, Arielle is a powerful, influential voice in the podcasting community.

Arielle combines her passion for people and podcasting to make a positive impact in the podcasting industry and the world in general through her work.

You’ll Learn

The power of our upbringing and family experiences in shaping our passions and our career paths
Why podcasting, like so many other industries, needs to continue to improve in diversity, equity, and inclusion
How Arielle’s confrontation of the founders of SquadCast led to her role as Community Manager for the company
The benefit of accepting correction and admitting (then fixing) your mistakes when you’re called out
How SquadCast turned a PR mistake into a positive for recruiting and company image
The key to building community as a company
Why every company should focus on building community to engage and serve their customers

3 Fundamental Career Skills from Today’s Guest

1. Give what you want to get

Invest what you would like to receive. As often as you can, say yes to meeting with others who need your support and advice.

Be generous and help others be successful without expecting anything in return.

And, generally you will find you actually receive much more benefit than you provide when you take this approach.

2. Ask for what you want

Be bold in making requests. Being assertive can boost your career and connect you with new opportunities.

Have the courage to ask for a stretch assignment in your job or take the initiative to talk with people you find interesting.

3. Speak up to address issues

Saying something when you observe inappropriate behavior and uncomfortable issues will set you apart as a leader.

Most people will talk about things they know are wrong. But, they will only have the conversations with their teammates in private. They won’t say anything publicly or directly to those involved.

Being courageous and tactfully confronting those who need to be corrected or informed of their blind spots is a highly valuable career skill.

And, you will likely find when you take a stand that others will support you. Often those you call out will appreciate what you have to say.

Links and Resources from this Episode

Try for easy, high-quality remote and in-person recording [Note: this is an affiliate link to support the Connect Mobilize Deliver podcast]

Follow Arielle Nissenblatt on Twitter

Connect with her on LinkedIn

Discover new podcasts on almost any topic on the Earbuds Podcast Collective website

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Let’s lead with kindness and confidence.


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