CMD 005: 9 Reasons This Podcast May Not Be Right For You

CMD 005: 9 Reasons This Podcast May Not Be Right For You

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Hosted by: Greg Harrod

In This Episode

If you’re like me, you do not like to waste time. Especially by listening to a podcast that’s just not a good fit.

In today’s episode I want to help you avoid making a bad decision to invest your time listening to Connect Mobilize Deliver. This podcast isn’t for everyone. So, if it’s not for you, I want you to know that as soon as possible.

I’ll cover nine reasons what I’m trying to accomplish through the Connect Mobilize Deliver podcast may not align with what you’re looking for in a podcast focused on helping you build your career. You may find our leadership goals and styles are not aligned. Or, you may discover the format of this podcast doesn’t match your needs or preferences.

All those things are fine by me.

Again, I would prefer you don’t waste your time listening to Connect Mobilize Deliver if it’s not your thing.

So, I’ll do my best to be transparent and clear and help you make an informed decision.

Hopefully, after hearing these 9 reasons this podcast may not be for you, you’ll decide you want to subscribe and give Connect Mobilize Deliver a try.

But, if not, no problem. If you happen to change your mind later and catch an episode, I’ll be here. And, you’re always welcome.

You’ll Learn

What I hope to accomplish with the Connect Mobilize Deliver podcast
My approach to leadership and career success
The format I’m planning to use for this podcast
How the theme of Leading with Kindness and Confidence fits in
Why I am committed to focusing on fundamental career skills
The reason Wichita, Kansas may be mentioned regularly
Why all these things may be reasons this podcast isn’t right for you

9 Reasons This Podcast May Not Be Right For You

Leading with Kindness and Confidence

Leading with Kindness and Confidence is the overall theme of this podcast. And, by “leading” I mean two things.

First, I mean being kind when you’re leading other people.

Second, I mean making kindness our starting point. Kindness will be a core ingredient of Connect Mobilize Deliver, not something that is occasionally sprinkled in with an apologetic mention.

Experts you may or may not have heard of

I know a lot of people who know a lot about a lot of things. They are experienced experts in their sphere of influence. But, they aren’t all well known. Yet anyway.

I’m going to have these people I know on the show as guests. Even though you have probably never heard of them.

Sure, my goal is to also have well known, big name authors, creators, entrepreneurs, business leaders, and podcast hosts as guests.

But, I will always bring on interesting people who can help you learn and be successful in your career. Regardless of their level of notoriety.

No experts at all

Some episodes you may not hear an expert on the show. Unless you consider me to be an expert I guess.

I won’t always have a guest join me for a discussion. I’ll do solo shows focusing on specific topics or dive deep into practical steps to apply certain fundamental career skills to build and boost your career.

You’ll get me as I really am

I am who I am. I can’t change that. And, that’s who you’re going to hear from on the Connect Mobilize Deliver podcast.

I’m going to speak from my experience, my worldview, my perspective. And, you may not agree with me.

But, that’s okay.

In fact, I invite you to disagree with me and challenge me. I am always seeking to learn and grow. A big reason I’m having guests on the show is to learn from them along with you.

Getting me as I am means you may get more than an occasional Dad Joke. And, you’ll probably hear me talk a little about my family, including our dogs. Again, that’s all part of what makes me who I am.

You will also definitely hear me talking about Wichita, Kansas too. I love the city I live in. And, Wichita is filled with talented, highly successful leaders I will have on the show.

I’ll share what I know

You may have noticed that I don’t have any extra letters after my name. If you’re looking for a podcast host with a title other than “Mister”, you’re in the wrong place.

I’m just a small town Kansas kid with decades of experience in leading people and projects. I’ve been involved with developing some amazing technology and leading highly successful, multi-million dollar product development programs in the manufacturing industry. But, there’s way more I don’t know than I do know.

But, my promise to you is this:

On Connect Mobilize Deliver I’ll share what I know if I think it will help you in your career. And, I’ll bring on guests who will do the same.

This podcast won’t be perfect

If you struggle with perfectionism, this may or may not be a good podcast for you to listen to. Because, I fit in that category.

And, I’m forcing myself to release episodes that are not perfect. My tendency is to want to edit and edit and tweak and polish until every unnecessary “um”, “like”, and “you know” is gone. Along with all the annoying clicks and pops.

Not only that. Not communicating a point exactly right drives me nuts.

But, I know that you listening to an imperfect episode will help you, even if it could be better. But, a decent episode, especially with an amazing guest, that never leaves my computer does you no good at all.

So, if you’re looking for a perfect podcast, don’t subscribe to Connect Mobilize Deliver.

As much as I would like to deliver perfect content with impeccable audio, I am not going to do it. And, of course, I’m not capable of doing that anyway even if I don’t want to admit it.

We’ll stick with fundamental career skills

Connect Mobilize Deliver will focus on fundamental career skills. We’ll cover the basics, over and over.


I believe career success in any field or industry comes through consistent, proper execution of fundamental career skills.

This applies if you’re starting out and want to build your career or if you’re a seasoned veteran looking to energize and boost your work performance.

We’ll keep it interesting and explore the nuances and layers you wouldn’t typically think about. But, here on Connect Mobilize Deliver we will always come back to the basics. And, I’ll make sure to keep it practical so you can apply what we’ve talked about.

That’s why I’ll ask each guest to talk about three fundamental career skills they recommend for you.

So, if achieving career success through continually improving in the basics isn’t interesting to you, you might want to listen to a few episodes before you hit subscribe.

I want your money

Well, I don’t necessarily want your money. But, I want somebody’s money. And, only if they want to give it to me.

My intent with this podcast is to generate some amount of revenue. I at least want to cover the cost to produce and deliver it to you and keep making it better. If I could make it my full time job and support myself and my family, that would be amazing.

So this is what I want you to know.

You may hear short ads during the show at some point when my audience is big enough to attract advertisers. I may mention affiliate products or services that give me a small commission if you sign up with my link. You don’t pay anything extra and I get some funding for the show.

I’m not sure what monetizing Connect Mobilize Deliver will look like, but that’s my intention.

I don’t want you to be surprised when you hear these things.

Whatever approach I take, my commitment is to only recommend things that I truly believe will help you. And, if you’re not interested, please don’t give me your money.

And, I won’t be offended if you jump forward during ads. To be honest, that’s what I do most of the time. And, there’s a button in your podcast app to make it easy.

I want your input and feedback

Way more than I want your money, I want your input and feedback.

Please. Please. Please.

Let me know what you like and don’t like about Connect Mobilize Deliver.

If something can be better, let me know. I want to know who you would like me to have on as guests. What topics you would like me to cover.

You are the reason I’m doing this podcast. Your input is critical for the show to be a success.

You are important and I’ll be regularly asking you to be involved so I can serve you better.

If that’s not the type of approach you like from a podcast host, then Connect Mobilize Deliver may not be right for you.

Links and Resources from this Episode

The book, Gracious Leadership: Lead Like You’ve Never Led Before, by Janet Smith Meeks.

Janet Smith Meeks on LinkedIn

The book, The Art of Caring Leadership: How Leading with Heart Uplifts Teams and Organizations by Heather R. Younger

My blog post, “3 Reasons We All Struggle With Fundamental Career Skills

My blog post, “3 More Reasons We All Struggle With Fundamental Career Skills

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Thank You

As always, thank you for listening and for sharing this with others who may find the Connect Mobilize Deliver podcast valuable.

Let’s lead with kindness and confidence.


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