CMD 004: Top 3 Skills To Advance Your Career, on Hardheaded [Bonus Episode]

CMD 004: Top 3 Skills To Advance Your Career, on Hardheaded [Bonus Episode]

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Hosted by: Greg Harrod

In This Episode

In my first time being a guest on a podcast, I get to have a conversation with three good friends on their Hardheaded podcast.

In this light hearted but insightful discussion we each share our Top 3 skills to advance your career. We each have a unique perspective based on our diverse roles in large corporations, small businesses, and the military.

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Today’s Guest

I’m actually the guest in this episode since I’m sharing the conversation I had as a guest on the Hardheaded podcast. So, instead of telling you more about myself, let me introduce you to the hosts of the Hardheaded show using excerpts from their website.

Click here to read their full show biographies.

Matt Amos

“Born and raised in Kansas, moved around and traveled the world (the recruiter didn’t lie) until retiring from the Marines in 2013.  Moved back to Kansas so our kids could attend the same school my wife and I attended.

Retired US Marine, Volunteer for Wounded Warrior Outdoors, small business owner.”

Chet Sears

“A military brat born on the great plains, lived on the other side of the world before settling and being raised in Central Louisiana (CENLA). A Louisiana Tech Bulldog currently residing in Wichita, KS and have been since 2007.

Former summer camp counselor, Sunday school teacher, Ducks Unlimited chairman, independent government contractor.”

Troy Trussell

“Troy grew up in Shreveport Louisiana and moved to Wichita Kansas in 2011 with his wife Hannah and their daughter Maggie. Since then, they have added 4 boys to their family making them a family of 7. Hannah is pretty much superwoman in human form.

Troy graduated from Louisiana Tech in 2001 with a BA degree in Graphic Design. He now owns his own videography business, Trussell Media, where he creates videos of all kinds to help people and businesses share their stories, products and services.”

You’ll Learn

More details of how Chet and I started our first podcast together
The value of story telling to effectively communicate a message
Why networking is critical to building a successful career
How to build your own business while supporting your employees’ side hustles
The power of saying “yes” as a leader and trusting your team members to deliver
The story of how Chet’s dad cared for his Air Force buddies (and a future general) using government equipment and a loophole

3 Fundamental Career Skills from Today’s Guest

Since we each shared three skills, I should have changed the title to twelve fundamental career skills for today’s episode!

Greg Harrod

1. Connect

Connect people to people, to ideas, to resources, and to opportunities.

2. Mobilize

Get those people organized, moving together, and in action to get stuff done.

3. Deliver

Regardless of your career, leaders have to deliver results to be successful.

Matt Amos

1. Decisiveness

“A bad decision made quickly is better than no decision made at all.”

2. Networking

Making connections with good intentions, to help other people not just for personal gain.

3. Integrity

Always being true to your word. When you say you are going to do something, you do it. Stick to your morals no matter what might happen.

Troy Trussell

1. Web Development

Build the many skills that web development requires: software code writing, design, integrating systems.

2. Camera Operating and Editing

Filming and editing can be learned through practice. And, these skills can be used to run a lucrative side business.

3. Managing Multiple Roles as a Business Owner

Being able to put on and take off the various “hats” is a critical skill to be successful as a business owner. Wearing the “business owner hat” is the most important.

Chet Sears

1. Communication

Communicate clearly through story telling and avoid using PowerPoint presentations when possible.

2. Data-backed Boldness

Have the courage to speak up even when others won’t. Especially when you have data to support your position.

3. Modesty / Humility

Relate to every team member in a way that invites input and is not arrogant.

Links and Resources from this Episode

Hardheaded podcast website

Hardheaded on Apple Podcasts

Hardheaded on YouTube

Trussell Media website

The Kansas Leadership Center website

The book, Your Leadership Edge: Lead Anytime, Anywhere

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Let’s lead with kindness and confidence.


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