CMD 002: How To Lead Boldly, with Chet Sears

CMD 002: How To Lead Boldly, with Chet Sears

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Hosted by: Greg Harrod

In This Episode

I have the privilege of having a conversation with my good friend, Chet Sears, for this episode. Chet talks about the experiences we’ve had together as coworkers and how he introduced me to podcast hosting so we could apply and share the training we received at The Kansas Leadership Center.

One of the leadership behaviors Chet consistently demonstrates is leading boldly. He shares his thoughts on why having the courage to try new things and speak up is critical for leaders.

Chet also talks about his experience serving on the board of Habitat for Humanity to support the Wichita community and the lessons he’s learned in that role.

Today’s Guest

Chet Sears

Chet Sears is my long time friend and former coworker. He has a passion for building relationships and serving others. Chet has applied that passion in leading others in the workplace and serving the communities in which he’s lived.

He currently serves on the board of the Wichita, Kansas chapter of Habitat for Humanity and is the co-host of the Hardheaded podcast.

You’ll Learn

The story of how Chet and I started our first podcast together and how he put his career success in my hands
The value of leaders who trust and empower their team members to pursue experiments to make progress
How Chet and I align on our core values, but are very different in how we do things
How to deliver results with people even when you aren’t the same and don’t agree on everything
The number of houses Habitat for Humanity gives away each year
Which of Chet’s three fundamental career skills I struggle with regularly
The story of Chet speaking up when no one else would and the impact it had on the organization

3 Fundamental Career Skills from Today’s Guest

1. Humility

Be humble in what you do. Know you don’t know it all. Be willing to learn.

2. Boldness

Know when to speak up and not pass up opportunities to say something. Avoid being a coward.

3. Communication

Communicate well through email and in the spoken word, in one-on-one conversations and in meetings.
Be brief and concise. Get to the point very quickly.

Links and Resources from this Episode

The Kansas Leadership Center website.

The book, Your Leadership Edge: Lead Anytime, Anywhere.

Habitat for Humanity – International website.

Habitat for Humanity – Wichita, Kansas website.

5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace website.

Chet Sears on LinkedIn.

Hardheaded podcast website.

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