Understand Yourself and Your Teams Better

So you can be a more confident and effective leader

One-On-One and Group Coaching to Help You and Your Teams Have More Joy, Energy, and Fulfillment

The best leaders are the most self-aware leaders.” – Patrick Lencioni

You’ll never fully understand your business until you understand the people in your business – including yourself.

Research findings by experts on business and self-awareness have shown:

Employees at poorly performing companies were 79% more likely to have lower overall self-awareness than those at firms with robust return on revenue.
Companies with a higher rate of return also had leaders who exhibited higher levels of self-awareness.
Only 10-15% of people are truly self-aware, despite 95% believing they are!

This may not describe you or the people you lead in your business.

But what would you do if it did?

Here Are 3 Ways I Can Help


Individual Working Genius Assessment Review

Understand yourself better and increase your self-awareness more quickly by leveraging my experience as a Certified Working Genius Facilitator.


Working Genius Team Mapping Exercise for 2

Being a confident, successful leader at home is just as (or more!) important as it is at work. I can help you and your spouse apply the Working Genius model too.


Working Genius Team Mapping Exercise

Know your full team better so you can help them have more joy, energy, and fulfillment through their work too – while also being more productive!

Getting Started Is Simple

Step 1

Fill out a brief assessment.

Start by completing a simple assessment to help me understand where you are in your leadership journey.

Step 2

Schedule a free coaching call.

During this call, we’ll clarify whether my coaching is the right fit for you and discuss a customized plan to help you achieve your goals.

Step 3

Begin coaching.

We’ll schedule sessions (virtual or in-person) that will focus on delivering the outcomes you want for yourself, your business, and your team.

What Others Have to Say

The Benefits of Working with a Certified Working Genius Facilitator

Being trained by the creators of the Six Types of Working Genius model has benefits.

Through my certification by Patrick Lencioni’s The Table Group, I’ve been equipped to analyze and apply assessment results to help individuals and teams leverage the Working Genius framework to be more innovative, strategic, and effective.

The Table Group Working Genius Certified Badge

As a Certified Facilitator, I can help transform work for you and your team by helping you:

Understand why you’ve been successful or unsuccessful in past projects
Avoid making unfair and inaccurate judgments about one another’s motivation
Alleviate guilt about struggles people (including you!) have with certain types of work
Clarify which types of work bring joy and energy and which types are draining and difficult
Make quick and concrete adjustments to roles and responsibilities to better tap into one another’s strengths and avoid one another’s weaknesses
Improve communication and interactions in team meetings
Get more done in less time

Choose How You Want to Invest in Yourself and Your Business

Individual Working Genius Assessment Review

Cost: $97

Get 30 minutes of my focused attention to review your personal Working Genius Assessment ($25 value) which is included in this package. You’ll better understand what type of work you’re built to do as well as the tasks you should avoid to stay productive and fulfilled.

Working Genius Team Mapping Exercise for 2

Cost: $197

I’ll create a custom Working Genius Team Map for you and one other person (like your spouse) then guide you through a 50 minute conversation so you’ll learn how you can both get more joy, energy, and fulfillment when working together on any project. Two Working Genius Assessments are included at no extra charge.

Working Genius Team Mapping Exercise

Cost: Starting at $297

We’ll work together to design a custom package that meets your unique needs. You’ll get assessments for every team member and a custom Working Genius Team Map for your entire team which I’ll review with you before leading an engaging group session (virtual or in-person) so your team, including you, will be more productive in all the work you do in your business.

Is Coaching Worth The Investment?

According to these research results from best-selling author, CEO, and business consultant Donald Miller, it is.

80% of business owners report increased self-confidence.
The median ROI on business coaching is approximately 700%.
70% of business owners note improvements in work performance, relationships, and communication.

If business coaching isn’t what you and your business need right now, I still may be able to help.

Other Services to Help You

Understanding yourself and your people is the first step, but it’s not the last step.

Individual Coaching Sessions – Cost: $599 for a 3-Session Package

Here’s what you’ll get with this package.
• 3 one-on-one coaching sessions over a 6-week to 3-month period
• Each session is a 40-minute video call with individual work on your own 10 minutes before and after the call
• Your sessions are recorded so you can review our conversation when it’s convenient for you
• We’ll focus the sessions on these 3 topics using a session worksheet you’ll fill out
1. What YOU want to accomplish (for the 3 sessions and for each individual session)
2. The actions YOU want to take
3. The results you’re getting
• A 20-minute wrap up call after the 3rd session

Interactive Team Events

We can work together to design an event to help you and your teams identify and overcome the specific challenges keeping you from achieving the results you’re after.

You may want to have me help the teams you lead or the teams you’re a member of.

I’m often told by those I work with that I have above average facilitation skills and excel in helping teams better understand themselves and one another in the context of accomplishing the business outcomes they’re pursuing.

Group Presentations

If you need a keynote or breakout session presentation, I can help with that too.

Whether you want me to focus on The Six Types of Working Genius, Leading Productive and Effective Meetings, or some other related topic, let’s have a conversation about how I might be able to support you by sharing what I’ve learned throughout my career.

Resources You Can Use Right Now

You can also take advantage of the many free resources I offer here.

Or, try out these affordable digital courses to make you more productive and effective.

And, just so you don’t get the wrong idea about me from this picture…

I do get passionate and intense at times when I’m presenting but I do actually smile when I’m doing team events!

There’s More to You Than Your Business

Even if you do love your job and get joy, energy, and fulfillment from the work you do, leading in your business isn’t the only thing that’s important to you.

You’re also a leader in your family and your community. And you probably have some pretty interesting ways you spend your time when you’re not in the office.

That’s the situation for my wife, Kiersten, and me too.

In addition to being active in our local church and Wichita community, we have another business that’s all about helping people learn more about the fiber arts like knitting, spinning, and weaving.

And we even have a wee herd of sheep!

We’ve found the Six Types of Working Genius framework has strengthened our marriage and our working relationship. And I’m confident it will do the same for you and the people you love.

The benefits may start in your business, but they definitely won’t end there!

Let’s Have a Conversation

Whether you’re intrigued by the Six Types of Working Genius model or just have some questions about how we might work together, the best next step is for us to talk directly.

Just click the button below and use the short application form to reach out to me so we can schedule your complimentary discovery call.

I’ll do my best to make sure the 30 minutes we spend together is highly beneficial to you and well worth your time.

Or, if you’d like to read a little more about me before we talk, you can do that here. If you’re in or near Wichita, Kansas where I’m located maybe we can meet in person!

You’re a Leader and You Have a Choice

You’re Not Alone. Every Team Will Struggle With The Challenges You’re Facing

If a team, whether it’s two people or ten, sets out to accomplish something together they’re going to struggle.

They’re going to encounter challenges that will stifle their productivity and rob them of their joy and energy. Things like:

  • Self-awareness and self-control
  • Awareness and understanding of each other
  • Feelings of guilt toward themselves and judgment towards others
  • Identifying what type of work needs to be done and who should do it
  • Knowing how their project will move from start (an idea) to finish (the results)

The degree to which these barriers are understood and addressed will directly impact the effectiveness of the team and the level of satisfaction and enjoyment each team member experiences.

Here’s the reality in almost every business.

A Serious Warning Based On Personal Experience

If you’re a leader and you don’t understand and deal with these inevitable challenges, your projects will NOT be successful. And, even if you somehow do get the team to complete the work, your people will be frustrated and burnt out. The only reason they’ll be happy is because the project is OVER!

I suspect you know what I mean because you’ve been in that situation – probably more times than you want to remember.

When you’re a leader, you have options.

You can do what most leaders do and ignore this reality. You can do what you’ve been doing and plow ahead hoping your team’s next project will be different.

Or you can do something different this time. You can learn and apply the Working Genius model – first for yourself and then with the teams you lead.

Whether you want to improve the team made up of just you and your spouse or your C-level executive staff leading a multi-billion dollar corporation, the Six Types of Working Genius framework will help.

It will even work with the volunteers you lead in your community or church.

Because as you likely know from your experience, any group of people who set out to work together to achieve an objective will face these common pitfalls.

If you’re leading teams in any setting, you need a proven framework and tested tools so you’re prepared to lead people well.

The Working Genius Model Gives You What You Need

To lead teams who experience more joy, energy, and fulfillment and less frustration when working together, you’ll want these things:

  1. A Working Genius Assessment for yourself
  2. A Working Genius Assessment for each team member
  3. A Working Genius team map created specifically for you and your team

That may be enough to save you from the pitfalls that have wrecked countless projects for centuries and are still slowing teams down every day in organizations around the globe.

You might feel comfortable doing all this work on your own.

You may be in the small percentage of business leaders have the time and energy to read Pat Lencioni’s book to understand the basics of the Six Types of Working Genius framework and then figure out how to apply it to your team without introducing your own biases.

Or like most busy leaders, you don’t have the time to become a Working Genius expert.

Fortunately, you don’t have to.

You Don’t Have To Become a Working Genius Expert

You may prefer to have a Certified Working Genius Facilitator to be your guide.

Someone who has analyzed dozens and dozens of Working Genius Assessments, studied hundreds of Working Genius Pairings, and created customized Working Genius Team Maps to help big and small teams in a variety of industries.

If that’s sounds like a better approach to get the results you’re looking for, this choice is available to you.

The Choice You Have

I can help.

I’m not only a Certified Working Genius Facilitator trained personally by The Table Group team and taught by the experts who created the model.

I’m also a leader just like you, doing my best to lead my teams at home, my community, my business, and my job.

And I use the Working Genius Assessments and my customized Working Genius Team Maps almost every day.

The people I have the privilege to lead and serve alongside tell me they have more joy, energy, and fulfillment and much less frustration because we consistently apply the Working Genius model in the work we do together.

My coaching clients tell me the same thing.

And this helps me be a more confident and successful leader while also experiencing more joy, energy, and fulfillment doing my own work.

If you’re interested, you and your teams can have what my clients and coworkers now have.

Your Next Step Toward More Joy And Energy For You and Your Teams

Please contact me through the application form so we can talk about how I might be able to help you.

We’ll have a brief, complimentary coaching call so you can decide if my Working Genius coaching is the right fit for you.

If it is, we’ll work together to create a plan that best fits your needs and will help you achieve your goals.

You’ll be making an investment in yourself and your team that will dramatically improve your life and theirs.

I say this because that’s been my personal experience using the Working Genius model and I’d love to have the privilege to share what I’ve learned with you.

Understand Yourself and Your Teams Better and take your leadership and your business to a new level!

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