“What are the Working Genius Pairings? is one of the first questions I get when I introduce my clients to The Six Types of Working Genius book and productivity tool created by Patrick Lencioni.
I’ll give you the simple answer by first listing the fifteen Working Genius combinations.
Then I’ll give you more details about each pairing along with some personal experiences from working with people having each pairing.
We’ll wrap up with steps you can take to learn more including listening to one of my favorite Working Genius podcast episodes so you can hear Pat Lencioni and the Tablegroup team give the creators’ perspective on the pairings.
The 15 Working Genius model pairings are:
The 15 Working Genius Pairings
- The Creative Dreamer – Wonder and Invention (WI | IW)
- The Contemplative Counselor – Wonder and Discernment (WD | DW)
- The Philosophical Motivator – Wonder and Galvanizing (WG | GW)
- The Idealistic Supporter – Wonder and Encouragement (WE | EW)
- The Careful Implementer – Wonder and Tenacity (WT | TW)
- The Discriminating Ideator – Invention and Discernment (ID | DI)
- The Evangelizing Innovator – Invention and Galvanizing (IG | GI)
- The Adaptable Designer – Invention and Enablement (IE | EI)
- The Methodical Architect – Invention and Tenacity (IT | TI)
- The Intuitive Activator – Discernment and Galvanizing (DG | GD)
- The Insightful Collaborator – Discernment and Enablement (DE | ED)
- The Judicious Accomplisher – Discernment and Tenacity (DT | TD)
- The Enthusiastic Encourager – Galvanizing and Enablement (GE | EG)
- The Assertive Driver – Galvanizing and Tenacity (GT | TG)
- The Loyal Finisher – Enablement and Tenacity (ET | TE)
Even if you haven’t taken the 6 Types of Working Genius assessment, you may be thinking that some of those simple titles describes your coworkers perfectly. And, one of them may be an exact match for you!
Let’s take a look at each one and see if your interpretation of those titles matches Lencioni’s definitions.
If you have taken the assessment, you’ll recognize this image from page 7 of your Working Genius Assessment report.
I find this summary of the Working Genius Pairings super helpful, and I print a copy to have handy for reference.
Six Types of Working Genius Pairings Summary

To save you the time it would take you to find your own assessment, you can simply open my personal report by clicking here and print this page.
Now let’s dig into the details of each of these Working Genius pairings. I’ll give you what the Working Genius team says in the assessments and the official training materials and share what I’ve learned working with dozens of clients and co-workers as a Working Genius Certified Facilitator.
Be sure to check out the latest official Working Genius content from the Tablegroup and learn more about how you can use the assessment results to make yourself and your teams more productive at WorkingGenius.com.
The Creative Dreamer – Wonder and Invention (WI | IW)
What the Working Genius team says
“A passionate idealist with an endless stream of big questions and ideas to consider. Comfortable with their head in the clouds.
People with this pairing derive real joy and energy from contemplating the world around them and generating a fountain of new ideas. Generally idealistic and future-oriented, they are passionate about new possibilities that break through unnecessary boundaries. They don’t value practicality, focus or implementation as much as idealism and ingenuity. This sometimes leads to stress or chaos among people around them who might be looking for realism and actionability. We call this pairing The Creative Dreamer.”
What I’ve learned
When a team member is a Creative Dreamer, you need them to ask good questions and generate new ideas. That’s how they add the most value.
But, if you don’t stay aware of the phase of work you’re in during your project, you might get frustrated with them.
If you’re having a meeting during the Implementation stage of a project, and they keep bringing up new ideas to restart the project, your team won’t be productive.
Review this post, 4 Meeting Types – How To Make Each Productive, to help the person with the Wonder and Invention Working Geniuses (and the rest of the team) stay focused!
The Contemplative Counselor – Wonder and Discernment (WD | DW)
What the Working Genius team says
“A thoughtful, insightful, and nuanced advisor. Slow to declare certainty but deep in wisdom, intuition, and rationale.
People with this pairing derive real joy and satisfaction from using their intuition and instincts to evaluate ideas and plans, and to provide others with thoughtful feedback. They tend to be extremely observant and deep in their thinking, and express their insights using impactful words. Because of their proclivity to nuance, they can sometimes be hesitant to declare certainty or express confidence in their own judgments. We call this pairing The Contemplative Counselor.”
What I’ve learned
When I discovered the 6 Types of Working Genius pairing of a “WD” I realized I had been describing people with this combination incorrectly.
I had been calling them “wishy-washy”! (Not out loud of course.)
I was misinterpreting their tendency to be extremely observant and deep in their thinking as well as their hesitancy to declare certainty or express confidence in their own judgments.
When I recognized they needed time to process before responding and some extra encouragement to trust themselves, I saw their unique perspective as an asset to our team not a liability. And, our team became much more productive when I corrected my point of view.
If you have a wishy-washy person on your team and think they may actually be a Contemplative Counselor, check out my post, How To Manage Wishy-Washy People, for tips on how to help them thrive and contribute more to your team, especially in meetings.
The Philosophical Motivator – Wonder and Galvanizing (WG | GW)
What the Working Genius team says
“An excitable, curious, and enthusiastic proponent of ideas and people. A unique combination of eagerness and caution.
People with this pairing derive real joy and energy from contemplating potential in the world around them, passionately exhorting and encouraging others. They are idealistic and enthusiastic. Their combination leads them to sometimes experience and portray a sense of impulsivity or unpredictability, as they go back and forth between passionate action and cautious reflection. We call this pairing The Philosophical Motivator.”
What I’ve learned
If you have a teammate or a family member with the Philosophical Motivator pairing, take time to listen to them and understand what they’re thinking. With the Wonder Working Genius, they will likely observe things other people miss.
They long for their questions to be heard and to hear someone say, “That’s a great question. I never thought of that perspective.” They want others to engage with them and show interest.
The Idealistic Supporter – Wonder and Encouragement (WE | EW)
What the Working Genius team says
“A loyal, modest, and thoughtful contributor. Carefully considers others’ needs and reluctant to demand attention.
People with this pairing derive real joy and energy from providing meaningful support to causes that align with their idealistic values and sense of belonging. They are often modest about their abilities, loyal, and selfless, proving to be extremely valuable, low-maintenance team members. Because of their depth and desire to please others, they can sometimes be overly deferential and often hesitate to initiate change, preferring to let others make the first move. We call this pairing The Idealistic Supporter.”
What I’ve learned
My wife, Kiersten, has Enablement and Wonder as her Working Genius pairing. And, the statement above, “Carefully considers others’ needs and reluctant to demand attention.” couldn’t be more accurate.
This is also true for a coworker who also serves as a deacon in his local church. Both of them seek to serve others in their work and in their ministries.
Based on my personal experience with these two people I respect and admire and many other WE | EW Idealistic Supporters, I encourage you to recognize the value they provide to your team and your organization. They are modest and low-maintenance and can sometimes be overlooked so be sure to tell them how much you appreciate what they do.
The Careful Implementer – Wonder and Tenacity (WT | TW)
What the Working Genius team says
“A thorough, practical, and careful contributor. A unique combination of steady reliability and quiet depth.
People with this pairing derive real joy and satisfaction from getting things done in a thorough and reliable way, as long as they understand the rationale and importance of what they are doing. They are a mysterious mix of practicality and inquisitiveness, action, and reflection. As a result of the divergence between Wonder and Tenacity (they are at opposite ends of the process of work), they often find themselves experiencing and projecting angst in the midst of a project, feeling an almost overwhelming need to slow down and ask questions that might alleviate potential problems. We call this pairing The Careful Implementer.”
What I’ve learned
If you’ve got a Careful Implementer on your team, remember the internal conflict they may feel because their Working Geniuses are at the beginning (Wonder) and the end (Tenacity) of the work process.
Seek to understand what they are feeling and create a safe space for them to ask questions.
By slowing down and listening to them, you will likely identify risks to your project so your team can solve them before they do lasting damage.
The Discriminating Ideator – Invention and Discernment (ID | DI)
What the Working Genius team says
“A creative, intuitive, and confident generator of new ideas. Uses instinct and integrative thinking to solve real problems.
People with this pairing get real energy and joy from using their intuition and instinctive ability to come up with new ideas from scratch, and they are good at using integrative thinking and pattern recognition rather than data and expertise. As a result, they are particularly effective in solving problems and coming up with workable, practical solutions with a particularly high level of success. They can sometimes appear impatient and over-confident when they receive pushback around their ideas, and they often lose interest after the initial phase of Invention is over. We call this pairing The Discriminating Ideator.”
What I’ve learned
I studied and applied Patrick Lencioni’s work for years before he developed the Six Types of Working Genius framework. His books The Five Dysfunctions of a Team and The Ideal Team Player are two of my favorites. Through his writing, I’ve learned a lot about how he thinks and does his work.
But seeing his Working Genius Assessment report in The Six Types of Working Genius book and listening to him talk about his Working Genius pairing of Invention and Discernment (ID) on his podcast really gave me insight into why he’s been so successful.
As a Discriminating Ideator he quickly comes up with lots of ideas and intuitively analyzes them to know which ones will work best.
No wonder Pat Lencioni has made such a positive impact on so many people and organizations throughout his career.
The Evangelizing Innovator – Invention and Galvanizing (IG | GI)
What the Working Genius team says
“An excitable and convincing generator and promoter of new ideas. Combines curiosity and confidence with infectious enthusiasm.
People with this pairing derive real joy and energy from generating new ideas and convincing others of an idea’s merit. Exuberant and enthusiastic, they are not easily deterred by initial pushback, and enjoy the challenge of sharing ideas to convince others to act. They can be hasty to start selling ideas before taking time to fully consider the prudence of an idea, and can be initially perceived as slightly over-the-top in their approach. We call this pairing The Evangelizing Innovator.”
What I’ve learned
I’ve worked with more than a few Evangelizing Innovators over the decades of my career and, to be honest, they can frustrate me!
Because they don’t always take the time to Discern an idea and I have the Working Genius of Discernment, I want them to slow down and think when before they start rallying the team to take action immediately.
Since their Working Genius pairing of IG is a match for my two Working Frustrations, it’s no wonder I don’t always see projects as they do.
Since learning the Working Genius approach, however, I now recognize how they are wired allows them to energetically do the parts of projects I don’t enjoy. Together we can both contribute to the success of the work we’re doing and be more productive as a team.
The Adaptable Designer – Invention and Enablement (IE | EI)
What the Working Genius team says
“A generator of new ideas in response to the needs of others. A unique combination of creativity and flexibility. People with this pairing derive real joy and energy from providing new solutions and ideas that serve the unique needs of others. They have the rare ability to balance their passion for ingenuity with the capacity to adjust to the desires of the people they are serving. They are creative, flexible, open to feedback, and easy to work with. In their desire to please others, they are too quick to accommodate and avoid advocating for their own ideas. This can leave them feeling undervalued. We call this pairing The Adaptable Designer.”
What I’ve learned
I recently hired a team member with the EI Working Genius pairing and it was quickly obvious that he was “creative, flexible, open to feedback, and easy to work with.” His actions and his Working Genius Assessment report were well aligned and he immediately began contributing to our team. We were lacking in Invention in our group and we needed and welcomed his new ideas.
The Methodical Architect – Invention and Tenacity (IT | TI)
What the Working Genius team says
“A precise, reliable, and planful solver of problems. A unique combination of innovative thinking and practical implementation.
People with this pairing get real joy and energy from designing practical solutions to problems that are based on ingenuity, rationale, and precision. They work in a steady and reliable way when generating new ideas, and are not easily distracted by possibilities that might prove logistically unfeasible. In their dogged pursuit of a workable solution, they can sometimes miss the nuance of a given situation or overlook human needs. We call this pairing The Methodical Architect.”
What I’ve learned
I need to write an entire post about the Methodical Architect Working Genius pairing based on my coaching experiences. Whether it’s the C-level executive or the small business owner who’s an IT, they tend to do the same thing. They get a great idea, and they want it implemented RIGHT NOW!
While this drive for action is good in many ways, they also need the input from others on their team to evaluate their idea to identify risks and consider alternative (and possibly better) approaches.
My experience with this Working Genius pairing in particular has shown me the tremendous benefit of creating a Working Genius Team map and discussing it with an experienced advisor.
This activity has given my clients increased self-awareness and a deeper appreciation of their team members, even those who are slowing them down!
The Intuitive Activator – Discernment and Galvanizing (DG | GD)
What the Working Genius team says
“An instinctive and confident decision-maker. Able to assess situations quickly and accurately, and marshal people to act.
People with this pairing get real joy and energy from instinctually evaluating ideas and situations, and quickly identifying the right course of action to take. They generally make quick and surprisingly accurate assessments, often without specific knowledge or data, and artfully rally others to agree with them and their bias for action. Because of their skills and confidence, they can sometimes be cavalier in their declarations and may appear impatient or dismissive when made to consider critical details required for implementation. We call this pairing The Intuitive Activator.”
What I’ve learned
Here’s one of the best descriptions I’ve ever heard of a person with the “DG | GD” pairing:
“Rarely wrong but never in doubt.”
This is especially true for one of my closest friends and co-workers, Chet Sears. When that guy discerns the best path to take to make progress on an adaptive challenge or solve a technical problem, he’s going to get the team motivated and moving!
And, if you’re wise, you’ll follow his lead because as the description above says, he’s rarely wrong. I’ve got over 17 years of experience working with this Intuitive Activator to back me up on this.
If you want to hear more from Chet, check out one of the Connect Mobilize Deliver podcast episodes we did together.
Or listen to him host the Hardheaded Podcast so you can experience his Working Geniuses of Galvanizing and Discernment yourself!
The Insightful Collaborator – Discernment and Enablement (DE | ED)
What the Working Genius team says
“An intuitive, empathic advisor and team player. Selfless and compassionate in providing others with what they need in the right way.
People with this pairing derive real joy and energy from providing others with astute and empathic assistance, based on their intuition and instinct. They are quintessential team players, bringing together exceptional, timely and shrewd counsel, in a selfless manner. They sometimes hesitate to push people to heed their advice, and can be deferential to others when they sense resistance. These tendencies can often leave them feeling underappreciated. We call this pairing The Insightful Collaborator.”
What I’ve learned
When I read this Working Genius pairing description, I say what I hear my clients and coworkers say over and over again.
“This is spot on. Totally nailed it for me.” Or some version of that.
Because Enablement and Discernment are my two Working Geniuses. So, I’m an “Insightful Collaborator”.
This line from above explains why I enjoy coaching others so much:
“People with this pairing derive real joy and energy from providing others with astute and empathic assistance, based on their intuition and instinct.”
This is a big part of why I get so much energy and fulfillment working as an Executive Business Consultant and Coach.
I can personally attest to the benefit and value of The Six Types of Working Genius model so I make it an integral part of my work with clients.
The Judicious Accomplisher – Discernment and Tenacity (DT | TD)
What the Working Genius team says
“A reliable, prudent, and focused doer. A unique combination of practical urgency and intuitive judgment.
People with this pairing derive real joy and energy from getting the right things done efficiently and effectively, and using their judgement to avoid wasting time and resources. They get a lot done by identifying the highest priorities and holding themselves to high standards of execution. They are prudent, focused and diligent. They often feel unnecessary angst about the possibility of failing or when working with others who do not share their high standards in driving for closure. We call this pairing The Judicious Accomplisher.”
What I’ve learned
One of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had doing Working Genius team maps came when I was working with a couple who had just started their own business.
She had the Working Genius of Invention and Tenacity and he was a Judicious Accomplisher with Tenacity and Discernment.
When we built their two-person team map, she immediately recognized that his Discernment was exactly what frustrated her but it was also exactly what she needed for their business to be successful.
She needed him to analyze her ideas and look for potential pitfalls and problems BEFORE they both leaned into their Tenacity Working Genius and took action.
Together they were a more productive and effective team because of what they learned through the Working Team Map Exercise we did together.
The Enthusiastic Encourager – Galvanizing and Enablement (GE | EG)
What the Working Genius team says
“A warm and positive affirmer of others. Quick to support and inspire people who need energy or reassurance.
People with this pairing derive joy and energy from inspiring and supporting others to grow, improve, and feel good about themselves. They are positive, exuberant and optimistic, gladly demonstrating their excitement about the potential of others. They are consummate cheerleaders, in the truest sense of the word. In their desire to be positive, they can sometimes be too quick to affirm others or provide unwarranted praise, leaving them to be potentially dismissed or perceived as naïve or insincere. We call this pairing The Enthusiastic Encourager.”
What I’ve learned
While this pairing does have the downside factors mentioned above, who doesn’t want an “Enthusiastic Encourager” on their team?
The positive energy a team member with the Working Genius combination of Galvanizing and Enablement provides value beyond what is often measurable.
The Assertive Driver – Galvanizing and Tenacity (GT | TG)
What the Working Genius team says
“A taskmaster extraordinaire. Willing to push and remind others, and dive in themselves, to ensure that things get done.
People with this pairing derive joy and energy from getting things done, as well as rallying others to get things done with them. They don’t mind blowing through obstacles and are even comfortable ignoring social protocols from time to time when it is required to push something through to completion. They are people of high conviction and standards. Understandably, they can sometimes be seen as pushy, and are often impatient with too much planning and brainstorming, preferring to get right to work. We call this pairing The Assertive Driver.”
What I’ve learned
Despite the challenges that come with managing a “taskmaster extraordinaire”, every leader will benefit from having an Assertive Driver on their team.
I speak from personal experience because I’ve had the privilege of watching one of my direct reports with the Working Geniuses of Tenacity and Galvanizing motivate and drive project teams to achieve high levels of success.
If you want a team that gets things done, make sure you include an Assertive Driver!
The Loyal Finisher – Enablement and Tenacity (ET | TE)
What the Working Genius team says
“A responsive, dependable doer. Willing to step up when something is needed and determined to fulfill their commitments.
People with this pairing derive joy and energy from completing tasks and responding to the needs of others in the pursuit of getting things done. They are quick to answer the call to action, equally valuing responsiveness and reliability. They are low-maintenance contributors who hold themselves accountable for delivering on their promises. They have a hard time saying ‘no’ to requests and find themselves over-committed and prone to burn-out and lack of appreciation. We call this pairing The Loyal Finisher.”
What I’ve learned
What a joy it is to see a Loyal Finisher do what they’re created to do. But, be careful to notice them because they often go unseen.
They generally work behind-the-scenes and do all the detailed work that must be done to complete a project – the tasks that others don’t want to do.
I encourage you to take the time to thank the members of your team who have the Working Geniuses of Tenacity and Enablement. They’ll appreciate you noticing their contributions and recognizing the value they bring to the organization.
Learn More About The Working Genius Pairings
If you want to learn more about these 15 Working Genius Pairings or the 6 Types of Working Genius productivity tool in general, here are some steps you can take.
Listen to the Working Genius Podcast
Episode 25, “ALL the Pairings” of The Working Genius Podcast will help you understand each of the Working Genius combinations much better. The creators of the Six Types of Working Genius model share their own experience and what they’ve learned from thousands of Working Genius assessments.
Take The Working Genius Assessment
If you don’t know your own Working Genius pairing, just go to WorkingGenius.com and take your assessment now.
And, I’m always interested in learning more about The Six Types of Working Genius model by reviewing the assessment reports of others.
If you’d like to share yours with me, I’d love to see it. And it’s simple to share your assessment results.
Click here to learn how to do share your results with me (or any other Working Genius user for that matter!)
Contact me for more help
I’m continually using the Working Genius tools and I’ve shared some of those benefits in this article: “How To Recognize The Benefits Of The 6 Types Of Working Genius Model.”
Check it out for ideas on how to apply the Working Genius pairings and model in your business! And, if you’d like more support, just shoot me a quick note (click here).
I love working with other business leaders as a Working Genius Certified Facilitator to help them use this productivity tool in their own businesses. You can read more about my work with other clients here.
If that’s something you’re interested in, let’s have a no-pressure conversation.
Since my Working Genius pairing is ED, I’m an Insightful Collaborator so I know I’ll enjoy helping you if I can!

Greg Harrod
Greg Harrod is an Executive Business Consultant and Coach. Follow GregHarrod.com to learn how you can build your business and your career as a kind, confident leader. You CAN care deeply about your teammates and still deliver exceptional results. Greg will help you learn how based on his 30+ years of experience leading teams and businesses.
Check out Greg’s weekly newsletter, M4 – the Monday Morning Meeting Minute to make the meetings in your business better every week.
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