“What is the Working Genius Assessment?” It’s a common question asked by the business leaders I work with.
They typically ask me this right after their eyes light up as I explain how Pat Lencioni’s Six Types of Working Genius productivity tool is predicted (by Lencioni himself) to have an even bigger positive impact than his wildly popular book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.
Once they understand the Working Genius model, they want to know where to start.
And taking the Working Genius assessment is the answer.
But before they begin, they first want to know what the assessment is and how long it will take.
You probably do too.
So in this article I’ll explain what the experts say about the Working Genius assessment.
Then I’ll do what I do with my coworkers and clients to make it even more clear for them – I’ll share my own personal assessment results.
What the experts say about the Working Genius Assessment.
It should come as no surprise that I will defer to the creators of the Working Genius assessment to answer this question.
They built the model after all and train people on how to use it every day!
Here’s what Patrick Lencioni and the Table Group team who created The Six Types of Working Genius framework say:
The Six Types of Working Genius assessment is the fastest and simplest way to discover your natural gifts and thrive at work.
It’s extremely affordable (not quite free but close!) and only takes about 10 minutes.
When you complete the Working Genius assessment, you’ll immediately receive your personalized report that includes all this and more:
- Descriptions of your Working Geniuses, Working Competencies, and Working Frustrations
- Application Section
- Team Map Analysis Example
That information from the official Working Genius website is straightforward and clear and, of course, I agree with it all.
So how much insight can I possibly add?
And why you should you keep reading what I have to say about the Working Genius Assessment?
Those are valid questions so let me address them.
What more can be said about the assessment?
The Six Types of Working Genius website does a great job of explaining the benefits of the Working Genius framework which includes the assessment.
The Table Group team led by Patrick Lencioni created an excellent set of resources to support The Six Types of Working Genius model and they’re continually adding new content.
But, I learn best from real-life examples and actual experiences shared with me by those who’ve used tools like the Working Genius assessment.
So that’s what I’ll do for you in this article.
Hopefully, what I share will help you answer the question, “What is the Working Genius assessment?” for yourself and in a way that personally benefits you.
Before I share my own insight and help you develop your perspective, I’ll answer the second question I raised earlier:
“Why should you care about what I have to say?”
Why should you care what I have to say?
While it’s true I’m a Working Genius Certified Facilitator (which officially means “I’ve received hands-on training from the Table Group team and been equipped with the tools and resources to help people leverage the Working Genius model with individuals, teams and organizations.”) that’s not why I think you should keep reading.
I’d like you to stick with me in this article because I’m going to share my own Working Genius assessment results.
And I’ll tell you what I’ve learned by studying dozens of assessment and using them to create team maps I use almost every day in my own career and my coaching clients use in their businesses.
My intent with this article is simple:
I want to help you understand the benefits you’ll receive if you decide to take the Working Genius assessment yourself.
So let’s get started with my Working Genius assessment personal report.
My Working Genius Assessment Personalized Report
The Working Genius Assessment includes twelve pages packed with insightful information.
And I find the most valuable section is the “Your Results” page.
Or in this case, My Results.
Working Genius Assessment – Your Results
Here’s my “Your Results” page from my assessment report:

The second most valuable page for me is the “Your Unique Pairing” page.
Working Genius Assessment – Your Unique Pairing
This is what mine looks like:

Working Genius Assessment – A Format I Use
When I’m working with my team and my clients, I like to use this format to compile the most valuable information from the standard report on a single slide.
I include a slide like this for each person when I build a Working Genius Team Map.

And, I keep each of my team member’s summary slide handy so I can review it before having one-on-one meetings with each of my team members.
We’ve integrated The Six Types of Working Genius model into our meeting cadence using these seven questions so this helps me be ready to support each of my team members as their supervisor.
My Full Report
I’ve highlighted the two pages of the Working Genius Assessment report I believe are the most valuable.
This is based on my experience working my teams and clients but you may find other sections just as or more beneficial.
Check out my full report and see what stands out to you.
You’re also welcome to download a pdf version of my personal report if you’re interested. Just click here to get it.
How To Take The Working Genius Assessment
If you agree with me on the tremendous value you and your teams will get by taking the Working Genius assessment, just go to WorkingGenius.com and take yours now.
And, I’m always interested in learning more about The Six Types of Working Genius model by reviewing the assessment reports of others.
If you’d like to share yours with me, I’d love to see it. And it’s simple to share your assessment results.
Click here to learn how to do share your results with me (or any other Working Genius user for that matter!)
Not sure of your next step? I can help.
I’m continually experiencing benefits from using the Working Genius tools and I’ve shared some of those benefits in this article: “How To Recognize The Benefits Of The 6 Types Of Working Genius Model.”
Check it out for ideas on how to use the Working Genius model in your business!
And, if you’d like more support, just shoot me a quick note (click here).
I love working with other business leaders as a Working Genius Certified Facilitator to help them use this productivity tool in their own businesses.
If that’s something you’re interested in, let’s have a no-pressure conversation.
I’m grateful for these Working Genius tools from Patrick Lencioni and the Table Group team and I appreciate the opportunity to share how they’ve helped me and my clients.
My hope is they’ll help you too!

Greg Harrod
Greg Harrod is a Executive Business Consultant and Coach. Follow GregHarrod.com to learn how you can build your business and your career as a kind, confident leader. You CAN care deeply about your teammates and still deliver exceptional results. Greg will help you learn how based on his 30+ years of experience leading teams and businesses.
Check out Greg’s weekly newsletter, M4 – the Monday Morning Meeting Minute to make the meetings in your business better every week.
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